Finally Offer the Most current EliteField 48" Two Door Folding Dog Crate, 48" Long X 30" Wide X 32" High
Whilst you may perhaps presently posses a EliteField 48" Two Door Folding Dog Crate, 48" Long X 30" Wide X 32" High we are be inclined to bet that our most recent product is like nothing you have ever viewed before. Once you purchase one of these, you are searching for something that will make your life easier and when it does not occur, you are bound to be disappointed. Manufacturer went to extraordinary lengths to make sure that you're thrilled with this Most current version.
Although manufacturer may not be an original manufacturer of the EliteField 48" Two Door Folding Dog Crate, 48" Long X 30" Wide X 32" High what we did is used a great idea and made it into a excellent creation that will offer many years of outstanding service. Our primary product attracted several shoppers since it was made with the greatest standards of top quality. We have continued this practice to give you our very latest edition of our tried as well as trusted product.
Another thing we are certain of is that you are going to find that around this value, you aren't gonna find a better EliteField 48" Two Door Folding Dog Crate, 48" Long X 30" Wide X 32" High anywhere. To ensure that you are really going to get legitimate value for your cash manufacturer has incorporated a number of great options which are likely to help to make this one of many products you have been able to find in several years. We're certain that you will feel like you are getting true value for your cash when you see all of the added details We have incorporated into our latest product to make your life much better.
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $179.99
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Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days
The ELITEFIELD two door folding dog crate is made of 3, 4, 6 and 8 gauge wires. The mesh space is 1-1/3" that is smaller mesh space than most other brand crates with 1-1/2" mesh space. The EliteField dog crate has a front door and a side door for your convenience. There are two bolt latches with self-locking function on each door for safety. The crate is fully assembled, so you can set it up or fold it down in seconds, no tools needed. The crate has 6 non-skid rubber feet to protect floor surfaces. The crate is recommended for dogs up to 110 lbs. This listing doesn't have a divider. If you need a divider for puppy training purpose, please select another listing of 48" EliteField dog crate with divider at our Amazon store.
- Size: 48" long x 30" wide x 32" high; folding suitcase style crate, fully assembled; set-up and fold-down in seconds, no tools needed
- A front and a side door for convenience; two bolt latches with self-locking function on each door for safety
- Special Features: Non-skid rubber feet to protect floor surfaces; durable antirust black epoxy coating; slide-out tough ABS pan for easy cleaning; carry handles for easy transportation
- Material: 3, 4, 6, 8 gauge wire (tip: the smaller the gauge number, the bigger the wire diameter)
- Mesh space: 1-1/3" (smaller mesh space than most other brand crates with 1-1/2" mesh space); Product Quality Guarantee, 100% Money Back Guarantee, Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
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